Antelope Valley School District



Step by step instructions

  • Go to
  • Click on CA (California)
  • You will be redirected to
  • Login or Create an Account
  • The Register Screen will be PARENT name (NOT STUDENT), user email and password. (You are creating an account, and anytime we need to notify you (parent) of an expired physical, YOU will get the email).
  • Click on top right screen labeled “Start Clearance Here!”
  • Select school year, school (make sure to scroll down to select (Academies of the Antelope Valley), and select sport (one sport at first, and later in the registration you will be able to select the remaining sports) click submit
  • Follow the steps with student information. Select students grade level of the school year they want to participate in Athletics. (If you do not know the  student ID# that is ok, leave it blank)
  • On next screen it will say Physical Exp. Date  just click save
  • Answer medical history to best of ability and click save
  • Answer Parent/Guardian Info and click submit
  • Type your name in the parent signature boxes (you do not need to print anything out unless you are keeping for your records) then Student types name in the student signatures box, click submit
  • Print the bus waiver and physical form for completion.  Bus waiver can be completed by parent and athlete.  Physical form must be filled out by physician with office stamp and returned to office during office hours or sent electronically. 
  • On the bottom of the page is now the chance to click all sports that your student is interested in and would like to try out for.  Please check all that apply and then click submit

Congratulations you made it! Your student/athlete is now registered for sports in the AAV. You will get a confirmation email stating you have completed the online process. Another email will be sent to you once your student/athlete is fully cleared. Athletic clearance is pending until physical is verified, academic eligibility is checked, and any transfer documentation is approved by CIF.


AAV Athletics Dept.